This page is currently being developed. Please contact us at if you are looking for a particular resource or would like support.
What is Manquehue?
Useful resources about the charism of the Weave.
What is Lectio Divina?
Understanding what Lectio is all about and how to do it.
Starting a Lectio Group
As well as these handy resources, there are plenty of people who can support you to start a Lectio Group.
Running a Lectio Group
Resources to help you to do shared Lectio and to build up the community of your Lectio Group.
Spiritual Friendship
What does it mean to have friendship with, in and for Christ?
Resources and activities for spiritual conversation and personal formation.
Personal Prayer Tools
Ways to help you to pray when you are by yourself with God.
Liturgy of the Hours
Resources to help you understand and pray the 'prayer of the Church'.
Rule of St Benedict
Understanding the Rule that St Benedict wrote for monastic life and how it can be useful in our lives.
Life of St Benedict
What can we learn from St Benedict's Life and Miracles?
Guides to help you when visiting holy places.