This pocket edition of the Rule of St Benedict is for readers who want to get to know St Benedict himself. Its compact portability makes it easy to keep it close to hand. Growing familiarity will enable its readers to attend to the message they hear from a loving Father in such a way that it pierces their heart (cf. RB P: 1).
St Benedict will invite both them and the particular community to which they belong to tread the path of conversion that will lead them back to God.
Abbot Patrick Barry’s translation provides a version of the Rule that is intelligible to the ordinary reader. Its language will help those who are not scholars enter into St Benedict’s teaching as it touches their lives today.
The cross-references and the thematic index gradually reveal the mind of St Benedict, who begins to emerge in three dimensions as readers see how the different parts of the Rule relate to one another and to the sacred scriptures that ‘give reliable guidance for our lives on earth’ (RB 73, 3).
Readers will find in the ancient text of the Rule advice on how to build today communities that take the Gospel as their guide (cf. RB P: 21). Just as in the days of St Benedict, these communities will be salt of the earth, yeast, and the light that silently advance a Civilization of Love.
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It costs £10 per copy or £7 on orders over 30 copies, including postage and packaging within UK.