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The Weave Newsletter #005


#005 SUNDAY 31st JANUARY 2021

The Weave of Manquehue Prayer is a network of friends that seek to help one another to pray, to cultivate spiritual friendship and to share with many the Good News of the Risen Christ. The Weave draws from the charism of the Manquehue Movement to enrich initiatives of evangelisation and service.


We have to make the most of Lent, not just let it pass us by. Easter is, before anything else, the action of God upon us. The Easter psalm says it clearly; “This is the Lord’s doing and we marvel at it. This is the day which the Lord has made, a day for us to rejoice and be glad.” (Ps 118). So what will we do then? Nothing? No way! We will go out to the desert or we will go up a mountain, to a clear place where you can see the whole horizon. Attentive, expectant, turning off everything that can distract us, full of hope, increasing our capacity to receive, washing ourselves, putting on our party outfits, cultivating expectations without fear, certain that we won’t be deceived, joyous with anticipation of what is going to happen. We will go out and wait for him with lit lamps, waiting for the cry ‘Here comes the Bridegroom!’ This preparation, this going out to the mountain, cleaning yourself and getting dressed, cultivating expectations, this is Lent and that is what fasting, prayer and almsgiving are for.

Read more here.


Ash Wednesday Celebration of the Word

To mark the start of Lent and our journey towards Easter together, we will be having a Celebration of the Word. It would be great to see you there! The Celebration of the Word will take place on Zoom at 6pm on Wednesday 17th February. Please fill in this form to sign up.

Weave Retreat 2021- 11th-13th June 2021- Ampleforth Abbey

We are looking forward to being able to come together again to share a weekend of prayer and friendship. The retreat will take place from 11th to 13th June 2021 at Ampleforth Abbey in Yorkshire. Please register your interest by filling in this form.

An invitation to praying the Liturgy of the Hours on Discord

Christian Laczko-Schroeder, one of the Discord regulars, would like to extend a warm invitation to join the Liturgy of the Hours on Discord. No commitment required, just pop in and pray when you have the chance:

“One of the core pillars of The Weave, and indeed of the church is the sanctification of the day through times of prayer together. An unexpected grace from the last year‘s events has enabled us to do just that through the Discord app. We begin the day in prayer especially at Lauds with the Gospel and psalms of the day.

I have been able to understand more about the way in which God makes himself known to me as told in the beauty of the psalms, and found it wonderful to participate in the mission of the Church to ‘pray without ceasing’. Particularly, in this time where it can appear hard to find a routine and indeed a reason to start the day, a gentle discipline has come from participating with others (anyone is welcome), letting the day begin with praise!

We continue to pray together on the app, accessible on smartphone and computer. At 8am Monday to Friday a number of us join to start the day with Lauds, and there will often be some of us at the other hours of the day (including weekends) at 1, 6.45 and 10pm.”


Christ the King Offline Retreat

On 22nd November 2020, close to a hundred people from all around the UK and further afield joined together in prayer for the feast of Christ the King. This was not our usual pandemic retreat, however, with the day being celebrated by all of us offline and individually - though of course united in prayer.

Importantly, giving our time wholeheartedly to prayer was a reminder of what is important in our lives. We have all, perhaps, at some point been guilty of letting the pandemic rule our lives by occupying all of our thoughts and discussions. But as Alice from the Christ the King community in Liverpool told us: “The commemoration of remembering Jesus as our king although he was so humble seemed so fitting. He gave all of himself to us”.

Read more here.

Advent Celebration of the Word

On Saturday 5th December, we came together for an Advent Celebration of the Word. It was a wonderful opportunity to prepare for Christmas together, rooted in the Word of God.

Lectio Leaders’ Workshop

Throughout the week from 19th to 23rd January, the Weave held an online Lectio Leaders’ Workshop on the theme of Lectio Groups being ‘Schools of the Lord’s Service’ (cf Rule of St Benedict Prologue). Holding the workshop online provided a wonderful opportunity, not only to welcome people from all over the UK, but from all over the world, including Lebanon, Germany, Chile and Portsmouth Abbey School in the US!

Trini Hue, who is part of the St Gertrude Community on mission at Portsmouth Abbey School, tells us;

"I was excited to see so many young people from all over the world connected celebrating faith in Jesus Christ. It encourages me to build communities that promote being courageous Christians, to live out friendship and to announce the Kingdom."

Read more here.


Marcus Emmet, who has recently joined the St Scholastica Community at Downside, reviews the Weave’s new book, I Have Seen the Lord;

"It has been such a pleasure to receive a copy of 'I Have Seen The Lord' and it’s amazing to read so many honest and uplifting testimonies. It has helped me tremendously in my faith because within them I can draw countless comparisons in shared experiences of friendship, hope and joy! I'm fortunate to know many of the writers personally so it's an honour to read about their personal journeys in faith. I couldn't recommend the book highly enough, both for those with or without belief!"

"I have seen the Lord" is a publication by The Weave of Manquehue Prayer and is now available from Amazon UK in both paperback and Kindle.

Read more here.


The Weave is still organising virtual visits to Lectio Groups as lockdown measures continue. If your Lectio Group would like to receive a visit, or if you would like to visit another Lectio Group, please get in touch at

Read more here.


We are continuing with our programme of online activities as social distancing measures remain in place and we would love to see you there!


If you would like to receive a motivation to Lectio each week please reply to this email and we will add you to the mailing list. Alternatively, you can access the Monday Motivations on our website here. The Monday Motivations are sustained by different people each week writing a motivation, so if you would like to write one, please let us know at We would really love to hear from you!


The Weave Newsletter will give you a quarterly update of everything that's been going on and that’s coming up, but if you would like more regular updates on what's going on and how you can get involved, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. More information on The Weave can also be found on our website.

If you would not like to receive The Weave Newsletter or if you have any questions about how we store your information or would like to be removed from our database, please just reply to this email and we will be happy to help. We will not pass on any of your information to any third-parties.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! It would be great to hear from you!


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